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"Change happens through movement and movement heals."

Open at new location!

2160 West Chandler Boulevard
Suite 14
Chandler, AZ 85224

New Clients Start Here!

To maintain the quality of service, our Pilates studio is based on appointment only. 

Get the benefit of having the complete repertoire of services that Design 2 Move Pilates has to offer to maximize your health journey.  Introduction to Pilates for new clients only. Enjoy a personal journey with 4 private sessions and dynamic collaborate energy through 4 classes. Package valid for 6 weeks starting at the 1st visit. It is strongly suggested to do the private sessions before joining classes.

The introduction package includes a tour of the studio, an introduction to the bio-mechanical principles, and a fitness level assessment with musculoskeletal posture and movement analysis. Clients will receive feedback on their patterns that contribute to imbalances or recurring  injuries, as well as guidance how to create the change. This process will help you to reap your maximum result in your exercise.

We value your investment in health and want to make sure you get the best results. We will provide information about your next steps to achieve those goals such as # of session per week and private vs group.

Beginners will not allow to join an existing group class before completing at least one private Pilates session and gaining instructor approval.
Full Class Packages not available in the store until after completing at least one Private Session and with Instructor Approval. 

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Design 2 Move Pilates through the Wellness Living Achieve App.

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Welcome to My Studio


Our logo is based on a concept of Tensegrity.  Tensegrity is a structural principle based on a system of isolated components under compression inside a network of continuous tension and arranged in such a way that the compressed members (Skeletal System) do not touch each other while the prestressed tensioned members (muscular system) delineate the system spatially.
Inspired by how the body is built, a small biped base (feet) with a bigger load on the middle (core) and a single point on the top (head), we use a triangle to picture how all those elements come together as a holding frame of our body.  All elements are equally important and connected to support each other. We believe our bodies can carry great tension if all components work together with integrity.
Behind our name Design 2 Move, we believe the true potential of the body is designed to move with ease and without pain. How we move in daily activities will dictate how we distribute the tension within our body.  Injuries occur when a certain component of the body carries more tension than another.  No matter the exercise, the body will end up using the same components (pattern of recruitment).  To recover or prevent injuries, the body needs to build a new pattern or habit of movement, developing a mind-body connection (awareness) so the mind can reeducate the body to move efficiently and properly distribute tension.  
D2M Pilates is based on the STOTT PILATES® method which is a contemporary approach to the original exercise method pioneered by the late Joseph Pilates.  By utilizing modern principles of exercise science and rehabilitation, it has become one of the safest and most effective methods recognized worldwide.

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Event Calendar

Pilates Teacher Training and Continuing Education
Contact Design 2 Move Pilates
for more information

Services We Offer

Private 50-minute one-on-one sessions with a certified Pilates Instructor that will help you to achieve rapid results by utilizing specific exercise according to your postural analysis. Delivers exercise with varying levels of movement — essential, intermediate and advanced — to meet the exercise needs of all clients, from post-rehab to elite athletes.

Reformer classes are 50-minute classes designed to re-form the body by building new habits that support better posture and avoid pain in daily activities. It will help muscle connections to work properly, create new muscle memory and maintain long-term result. Reformer classes use basic principles of Pilates to build strength from inside (core) and create stability thru the entire body while developing good alignment and at the same time increasing mobility.

Gain strength, agility and coordination in Matwork Pilates. Enjoy upbeat music and dance routine workout in TOTAL BARRE classes. Complete with Restorative Flow Class to get your Fascia moving. Great classes for achieving and maintaining fitness goals while having fun in a group class environment.

Packages to Reformer and Group Floor Classes. Get the benefit of having the complete repertoire of classes that Design 2 Move has to offer to maximize your health journey.

Exclusive member-only pricing on merchandise.
10% off on Private Sessions.
1 Free Late Cancellation or No-Call/No-Show per Year.
30-Day Notice Cancellation Policy.

Devi Rieker

My Pilates Journey

I am originally from Indonesia and I have been active since I was child. In school I danced, swam, played basketball, trained in Taekwondo and was a cheerleader.

While finishing my bachelor’s degree in Social Politic Science, I worked as a TV Journalist in which it honed my communication skills with a diverse range of people. After graduation, I decided to work in Marketing Communications and become the Co-Founder of Forward Communication Company.

Working in a corporate environment, I started to feel my health was declining and It was impacting my life. I was always feeling exhausted, lacked energy, and was starting to feel I was losing mobility and strength.  I took a leap of faith and decided to change my career direction.  In 2006, I stepped into a career in the Fitness and Health Industry….

I became a Personal Trainer and a Fitness Group Instructor at Celebrity Fitness in Indonesia. I taught Pilates, Hatha Yoga, Floating Yoga, ©LesMills BODYCOMBAT™, ©LesMills BODYBALANCE™, BOSU®, ViPR and TRX®.

ln 2010, I started to concentrate on my career in Pilates. I become a Co-Founder of a Pilates Studio in Jakarta and pursued my Full-Certification through the Internationally well-known STOTT PILATES® and was recognized as a Full-Certified STOTT PILATES® Instructor. I then relocated to Chandler Arizona in 2017 to be with my husband.

After almost two decades in Health and Fitness industry, I continue to study and grow my knowledge and have become a Post-Rehabilitation Specialist, Athletic Conditioning Specialist, Fascial Movement™ Instructor, Total Barre® Instructor and pursuing a diploma in Slings Myofascial Training Teacher Advanced Level


One thing for sure, I love to learn and grow. I never stop continuing my education to provide not only exercise through Pilates routine but going beyond that and incorporating a complete integration of the body’s kinetic chains. I love to see people’s eyes when they able to do things in their exercise that they never thought they could achieve. This is what inspired me to open Design 2 Move Pilates, to bring back the Freedom of Movement into people’s lives.


Pilates with Somatic Approach

Why I feel discomfort during my exercise (Pilates)?

As an instructor for almost 2 decades, I do realize how emotions can be trapped in the body because of what happened in life. Emotions, trauma or injury is a form of energy that is blocked and glued into the body. That is a survival mechanism that our body creates so we are still able to function after all that has happened. The uncomfortable feeling comes because it forces us to connect with emotions that are hidden in our bodies.  Somatic movement teaches us to tune in to what your body is telling you.  Awareness of the mind-body connection will help you manage your overall health.  We hold psychological tension in our bodies as well as muscle tension.
When we start to move, we start to unravel those unfinished emotions that were trapped in the body. I found that the movement gives color of emotion. It is actually the nervous system activated as a defense mechanism.  Fight, Flight, Fawn or Freeze is the body trying regulate the overwhelming sensations.  Some say that they felt not perfect, some felt angry and cursed in the class, some felt that they were not enough and that they needed to be in pain just to make sure they did their best, some felt sad and broken because they were not able to do it right, they felt like the body had it’s own mind (betrays them), some felt fear because they don’t want to get hurt anymore, or some even numbed (disconnect) themselves and could not feel anything.
So, how to overcome and to be able to enjoy again the freedom of movement? Be there (zoom in), acknowledge the emotions that comes up during the movement (awareness).  The only way to go through it is by accepting it. Observe without judgement or labels. Awaken the consciousness so that you can change the way you see and feel about it. This is an inward process, not by expressing it (respond rather than react).

Our Studio

Don't see what you need?
We can create a custom program for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? I have answers

Definitely! Pilates is a great exercise for Post-Rehabilitation.  During the process of recovering from a surgery or injury, the other areas of your body will be impacted because the compensation.  In the long-term, that compensation pattern may cause pain and new injury. Pilates will work the full kinetic chain of the body and help muscle connections to work properly.

This is a GREAT question and the short answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Pilates is for everyone. I have triathletes who are clients but I also have lots of folks who are doing rehab after an injury or surgery.  

If you are new to Pilates, recovering from an Injury or have a very specific goal, then Private Lessons will benefit you more. If you are looking for exercise routine and enjoy working out in a more social setting, then Group Classes may suit you better.

To reap the maximum benefit of group classes, it is preferable to have a basic understanding of Pilates cues such as proper Pilates breathing, neutral/imprinted spine, tabletop, and etc.  For new clients, we do suggest to go through the New Client Package –  Introduction to Pilates before joining group classes.

I need more information.

Contact us at:
(480) 466-4668

Studio Location:
2160 West Chandler Boulevard
Suite 14
Chandler, AZ 85224